Fabrice Manzo

Consultancy bureau in Blockchain Technology

Bitcoin Education

Find Out More




I'm a jovial Xennial with an ENTP-A  personality who likes to tweak and hack things. I grew up with a commodore64

I have two brilliant children
[Lucca & Levi Manzo]

I love Science, Technology, Humor & Techno music.
I grew up in the 90's where the cambrian explosion of technology began.

I have 14+ years experience as an electromechanical machine operator

and I worked as a freelancer at the

[Moralis Academy]

Teaching students about Blockchain Technology

[Studygroup Moralis]


Blockchain Deep Fundamentals

Programming on Bitcoin and Ethereum

Programming Games using Blockchain technology

Learning DEFI [Open Finance on the Blockchain]


Contact me

Ethereum Game

Mint ZioBitcoin (§ZBC Erc20 Tokens on Ropsten testnet) 




visualization of the fourier series for a square wave.



visualization of sorting algorithmes Bubble - Selection - QuickSort


Helping Everyone Understand Bitcoin

a friendly introduction to Bitcoin for regular people.


Mnemonic Code Converter

by Ian coleman

check it out

Clark Moody Bitcoin Dashboard

The entire Bitcoin economy at a glance

under construction

Let's Get In Touch!


Do you have questions? Need advice? Ready to start your next project with me? That's great! Give me a call or send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

